Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use natural ingredients only?

Yes, we only use natural and plant-derived ingredients in S29, including in our two forthcoming formulations. However, we are not averse to non-natural ingredients if they are highly efficacious and safe to use. In fact, we are proponents of biotechnology-derived ingredients given their immense potential for reduced resources.

Are your ingredients organic?

We use a combination of organic and non-organic ingredients, selecting them based on various factors. These include the sustainability initiatives of our raw material suppliers, proximity to our manufacturing facilities, ingredient availability, seasonality, and other considerations. It's important to scrutinize any type of certification, particularly paid ones, as they do not necessarily ensure sustainable practices are being followed.

What sustainability initiatives do you have in place?

We make use of glass, post-consumer recycled plastic, recycled papers, and soy inks in our current packaging. We also source our ingredients from ethical and earth-conscious suppliers, locally and globally. We work solely with manufacturers who are aligned to our values, namely 'doing good in the world'.

Do you test on animals?

No, we do not test on animals.

Do you ship to Europe or the United States?

Soon. The cosmetics and personal care industry has fragmented rules, regulations, and protocols for each market. At present, our formulations (i.e. ingredients) are compliant in all markets, however our packaging requires further modification. We plan to ship to Europe and the U.S. in the coming year.

Is S29 Actualizing Face Oil compatible with my oily skin?

S29 was formulated particularly for those with dry, normal, and sensitive skin types whom require deep hydration and delivery of a multitude of antioxidants. Nonetheless, while 'field testing' S29, we had several participants with oily and combination skin types rigorously test the formulation. They expressed the best use of S29 was as a 'moisture treatment tool' at night, several times a week. Your mileage may vary.

Can I use the S29 Actualizing Face Oil on my body?

There is nothing that precludes applying S29 on the skin of other body areas, however it was specifically formulated for the epidermis and skin topography of the face. S29 is for external use only.

Where is Subsystematics located?

Subsystematics is an independent company based in Melbourne, Australia. At present, we operate a direct retail model. Read more here.